“Are we making an espresso or a rub for meat? “
Those were the first words that popped into my head when I first heard about using coffee in a rub.
So let’s get this out of the way now, your meat will not taste like coffee.
Not at all.
“For over a year now, the conflict in Ethiopia has been devastating, and has affected millions. Across the country, people have been displaced, reported as missing, left in dire need of emergency aid, and killed. Last November, this culminated in the Ethiopian government declaring a six-month nationwide state of emergency, which ended prematurely in early […]
International Coffee Day feels very different this year. Introduced by the International Coffee Organisation (ICO) on October 1 2015 to raise awareness of the product and the challenges faced by producers, the day has usually focused on how low prices paid for unroasted beans barely cover farmers’ costs – let alone support their families. Not […]
The Specialty Coffee Association (SCA)’s Coffee Taster’s Flavor Wheel is arguably one of the most iconic resources in the coffee industry. The poster adorns the walls of cupping labs worldwide and has become a backdrop for most professional coffee training courses. Originally published in 1995, the wheel has been the industry standard for over two […]
We were fortunate enough to be invited by one of our customers to experience a traditional Ethiopian coffee ceremony. And what an amazing and enlightening experience it was. Today we are looking at the traditional buna ‘coffee’ ceremony that is prevalent all through out Ethiopia. It is more than just a cup of coffee. It […]
From doctors and medical experts to nutritionists and sports coaches, the health benefits of coffee have been well-documented over the years by medical and healthcare professionals. Over the years, research has highlighted how the high antioxidant content of coffee can improve life expectancy and reduce the risk of certain diseases, including Parkinson’s, diabetes, and cardiovascular […]